" The training has been perfect for me in that I wanted the experience of small training in a structured way. Linda has been very generous with sharing her knowledge and with her clear teaching skills. I feel more confident in myself in the role of supervisor. Thank you Linda," Chartered Psychologist   " I have found the training absolutely fascinating and wonderful. You have been a real mentor and I hope to be in a training session with you again very soon," Counselling Psychologist   " The desert island exercise really got me in touch with my own feelings about the client and the patterns of relating getting played out," Counselling Psychologist   "Linda is one of the foremost supervisor trainers in the UK," Dr Michael Carroll PhD   "I’m already getting feedback that supervisees are finding my supervision more containing since I switched to using your approach," Clinical Psychologist   "Your workshops have really opened up a new area of learning and enrichment for me and thank you so much for your support," Counselling Psychologist   "I would recommend the workshops to anyone," Forensic Psychologist   "The teaching style was energising. Probably the best training I have ever been on!" Counselling Psychologist   "You are an inspiration," Counselling Psychologist   " Very interesting session. A huge help being made aware of how my role plays a part in some of the difficulties faced in sessions, and how to address these. Very useful for someone who is new to the supervisor role.," Chartered Psychologist  
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Dr Linda Charles is a trainer for Clinical Supervision.

Supervision: A Short Course

NEW CPD Workshop 2025

Dates: TBA

Time: 10.00 - 16.00

Venue: Online Zoom

Contact: clinicalsupervision@outlook.com

Day 1: Fundamentals of Supervision (10:00 - 16:00)

Day 2: Models of Supervision


This training is a hands-on, interactive experience designed purposefully to provide insights and immediately transferable skills.

Courses are run for groups of individual psychologists and can be block booked for services.


To reconsider supervision, role and relationship

To reflect on real-world experiences and consider case examples

To practice supervision skills

To help make practice safer, more creative and more effective

The Trainer

Linda has a wealth of clinical and supervisory experience. She has earned herself a solid reputation as a clinician, a trainer and for her contribution to the development of supervision practice. She is the founder of Structured and Collaborative Supervision (SACS). Her core training in Supervision Skills has been described as the “gold standard”. Her current workload consists of therapeutic practice, supervision across professions and training.

Relaxed in front of an audience, Linda is able to convey her ideas in a clear and warm way bringing clarity to complex issues. Her enthusiasm and passion are infectious.


I have found the supervision course very insightful. We were supported to develop our experience of individual and group supervision. With access to theoretical models as well as a lots of practical support, it has empowered me to transfer my skills and apply in my work. Thank you Linda for facilitating such a nice group of people who have all been like family, supporting each other. I strongly recommend this training session for aspiring supervisors or even those practitioners who are experienced supervisors.


I can't thank you enough Linda for these four supervision sessions, they have been so valuable. The way you created such a safe space for me to reflect and think about the different models, the new ways of thinking and being open, has really supported me as a psychologist and also as a supervisor. I have learnt so much from your course and will be definitely using the techniques moving forward.

Thanks Linda, I found the training really helpful. I now want to spend some time consolidating the learning, processing this and applying it to my work. I feel I need to set aside some specific time to do this to get the most from the course. I really liked how you welcomed us.  I really liked all the space you gave us and that you were extremely present, responsive and engage throughout. I feel you modelled throughout how to show up as a supervisor which I will take a lot from. It felt initially hard to feel open and vulnerable in the groups but I feel this gradually developed over time and I appreciated your methods of getting us to show warmth and open us to each other that. Thanks again.

I jut wanted to say that I can’t believe how positive and energised I feel after yesterday’s course.  If there is still a place on the supervision group, I would like to join you.  

Thank you for today, it really was an excellent day of training.  Not only did I learn a lot, I really enjoyed it.  I can honestly say that I got more out of today than the 3 day training I did with a well known university through work!

Our team of practitioner psychologists engaged in the two-part supervision training delivered by Linda. Even though many of them had prior experience in supervision, they were all surprised by Linda’s approach and framing of this space. The training was concise and provided us with a solid foundation of values and transferable skills to be used within supervision, ultimately resulting in a positive shift in the team’s culture. We are very pleased with the results and looking forward to a refresher session.

Very practical, really good to get to practice it. I found it very helpful!

Very good space in reflecting on implicit practices and making them more explicit or declarative really enjoyed the session.

Very interesting session and being made aware of how my role plays a part in some of the difficulties faced in sessions and how to address these. Very useful session for someone who is new to the supervisor role.

The desert island exercise really got me in touch with my own feelings about the client and the patterns of relating getting played out.

Thanks Linda! Really appreciate the clear models and time to practice. It’s helped me to see the importance of holding and empathic, curious space above all.

Really useful models taught and the space was held with space and caring. Great modelling for our future work.

Really interesting to try this out as a method of supervision. I found it refreshing. Thank you.

Like the CLEAR structure and will be putting it into practice, also appreciate the experiential side of the workshop.

Thanks Linda, it’s been so interesting and helpful. Loved thinking a bit more about the transference stuff today as well.

Very helpful! I found the model particularly helpful to consolidate the learning.

Thanks so much Linda. How to summarize? Overarching importance of helping the supervisor come up with their own Solutions, not writing anything down when supervisor is presenting

It was an illuminating course, concise and appropriate. The models were very useful to hold in mind whilst giving supervision also.

Thank you, it was eye opening, feels like this is just the beginning but you have squeezed a lot into a short timeframe, Would definitely like to do more in future.

 I found it and interesting way of structuring supervision. Useful to reflect on my own practice.

Really nice to do an element of grounding in the beginning and during the break.  I think no matter how valuable for content of a workshop is -  if we arrive all frazzled we will struggle to soak it all up and get the most of it.

I think it was really helpful to think through the model and apply to both supervising and being a supervisor thank you

The small group practices have been really useful.  It's been nice to have real examples of questions we might ask to help supervisees think more about cases.  I am also going to try and take these ideas to my theory and practice

be in very well taught and organized sessions to highlight the key features of supervision and ways to put the simple question seven eyed model and clear model into the sessions

I have found the training absolutely fascinating and wonderful you have been a real mentor and I hope to be in a training session with you again soon

Really great space.  Feels contained, informative and educational.  A good balance between space to reflect, space for self and space for learning.

Illuminating and refreshing to learn outside of my comfort zone.

Thanks so much for the training today. I found it really helpful.  I particularly enjoyed how interactive you made it and how you model certain elements of supervision, making it an experiential exercise rather than a theoretical one. Very easy to stay engaged in focused.

Thanks Linda for a great day clear focused and engaging.


The training has been perfect for me in that I wanted the experience of small training in a structured way. Linda has been very generous with sharing her knowledge and with her clear teaching skills. I feel more confident in myself in the role of supervisor. Thank you Linda.

I found it helpful to think about linking feedback to a specific example to make this clearer, as well as owning the feedback. Thanks for a really helpful session!

Although I often feel nervous about the practice parts, I interestingly have been finding these extremely productive and useful to get some experience of the learning. A safe, reflective and productive experience.

thank you so much! Again I am so full up with ideas I'm find the two models presented so helpful. I enjoyed practicing with just 15 minutes, because it demonstrated how I can apply really beneficial work in supervision even if time is tight.

Found the experiential element very useful and feel that I can implement some immediate and simple changes to my supervision practice straight away. Great balance between slides and breakout room and discussions. Thank you.

A really helpful space for stop I really value the experiential learning opportunities as part of it. It has really helped me to think about how I hold the space in supervision, and the Way It Is mirrored in the training by you Linda. Thank you!

Thank you Linda and the group. I really enjoyed having a slow pace space to think about key areas about supervision - drawing on your experience and the breadth of experience in the group. The mindfulness exercise at the Beginning really set up the connectiveness and focused us for the remainder of the training and I am going to take several things from your own slides as well as learning from the other attendees. Thank you, very valuable.

Really useful. I enjoyed the initial ground exercises and how interactive the whole session was. Linda, you were very calming and modeling Focus and protected space. Really enjoyed this time today.

I found the training really engaging due to the amount of involvement we all had in the session. Enjoyed the self-reflection and encouragement to have a break that refreshed us at the midpoint.


I found today's training really useful; it reminded me of the importance of the supervision space and gave me ideas to take forward with the my own supervisions as a supervisor and supervisor. I really like how you encouraged us to be present and to do our own self-care for example taking a proper break. This felt very nourishing.


I loved the Workshops, they have reminded me of the importance of mindful presence. I've taken a lot of learning I will use in my practice!

Found it very engaging and thought provoking. Thank you for the experience!

Found focusing on using open questions and not using assumptions really effective. And exploration and listening really effective. Thank you.

Enjoyed moments of self supervision and having more of a reflective space.

Really insightful experience, I feel like I am walking away with a lot to reflect on and skills to continue to develop in practice.

Have felt very energized at the end of both sessions, out of "doing mode" and more into "being mode" as a result of both. Looking forward to learning more.

Really empowering and allowed reflection on what we already know, while also introducing some practical ideas that I can take into practice.

Very helpful and I liked thinking about supervision in a new way. I also like the balance of exercises and talking.

I'm very surprised how much I feel like I have got from this in such a short space of Time. A very helpful start.

Thank you Linda. I found the content and pacing excellent. Enough reflection and practice. Not too much squashed in.

The session today has been very informative, I found the content and your style very refreshing. It also makes me want to try this style of supervision. I also really valued the time that you took at the beginning, giving us the chance to introduce ourselves.

I love your style of workshop. Very engaging and Socratic. It made me more aware of the areas I can improve.


Engaging and clearly knowledgeable about the topic. Building confidence.

I enjoyed the grounding set exercise to begin with, and the experiential tasks alongside content.


I really valued the hands-on experience to learn by doing. As a presenter and teacher you created a safe space, non-judgmental, so I felt able to ask questions and explore ideas. Thank you.

It has been wonderfully nourishing and helpful stop the model so practical and applicable. Love the practice and opportunities for so much reflection, great modeling of supervision throughout. Thank you Linda.

​© 2025 by Linda Charles Psychological Services.

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