Dr Linda Charles CPsychol, AFBPsS, HCPC Reg

Supervision Training Day 5
Supervision: Refresh, Review & Refine
Date: 29th September 2018 (10:00 - 16:30)
Price: £140
Venue: St Mark's Church Hall, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 0DA
Contact: 07940 470306
Dr Linda Charles is offering a day of CPD for Supervisors.
Good clinical supervision is dependent upon open relationships. This relies upon the capacity of the supervisor to be present, available and engaged. Supporting the development of practitioners in the helping professions is demanding. Supervisors will stay effective in their very important work only if they are replenished themselves.
This day provides a unique opportunity to find space for YOURSELF as a supervisor. It is a place where we can explore reflections, experiences and goals to support your professional practice and enrich yourself as a practitioner.
Refresh, Review & Refine Objectives:
To reconsider supervision, role and relationship
To reflect on real-world experiences and consider case examples
To practice supervision skills
To help make practice safer, more creative and more effective
The Trainer
Linda has a wealth of clinical and supervisory experience. She has earned herself a solid reputation as a clinician, a trainer and for her contribution to the development of supervision practice. She is the founder of Structured and Collaborative Supervision (SACS). Her core training in Supervision Skills has been described as the “gold standard”. Her current workload consists of therapeutic practice, supervision across professions and training.
Relaxed in front of an audience, Linda is able to convey her ideas in a clear and warm way bringing clarity to complex issues. Her enthusiasm and passion are infectious.
Dr Michael Carroll Ph.D.
Linda is in demand to provide team training for supervisors. I can safely say that Linda has become one of the foremost supervisor trainers in the UK. The popularity of her courses attest to the high standard of teaching and her engagement with the participants who consistently rate her programmes as excellent.